Sunday 24 February 2019

91st Oscars: Best Actress in a Lead Role

In a landmark accomplishment for the Oscars the Best Actress Race this year will not feature Meryl Streep only for only the 74th time in 91 years.

This category features two debutants in Lady Gaga and Yalitza Aparaicio.

Only 4 actresses have gone on to claim the prize for the debut film.

Let's agree on one thing Melissa McCarthy's (who portrays the character of Lee Israel in Can you ever forgive me ?) winning here is a long shot. Based on the awards swing results she will have to be content with just a nomination.

Yalitza Aparaicio- Cleo (Roma)

Yalitza Aparaicio is the next one who can be eliminated as she has somehow gotten an Oscar nomination despite missing out on nods at the Bafta's the Critics Choice the SAG. It seems as though she has gotten a nomination which is an indicator that the film has the support of the actors branch as Roma is currently the favourite to take home the Oscar for Best Picture and a film winning the top prize sans an acting nomination is very rare. Can the love for Roma propel Aparacio to an Oscar win? Seems unlikely.

The main competition is among these three

Olivia Colman- Queen Anne (The Favourite)

Won Golden Globe in the musical and comedy category as well as the BAFTA for Lead Actress for her portrayal of the sickly Queen Anne. She managed to win the prize at the BAFTAs and is the only legitimate threat to the Close vs Gaga battle. After watching the movie I honestly felt that Rachel Weisz's role was the lead one and Olivia Colman was more of a supporting one. She picked up the win at the last major award before the Oscars which took place just days before Oscar voting ended. The Academy may not want a Glenn Close coronation to look predictable and may have possibly switched their pick to reward the actress from The Favourite.

Lady Gaga- Ally (A Star is Born)
Won Critics Choice award in a tie with Glenn Close. Lady Gaga plays singer Ally in the A Star is Born. The Japanesse proverb says that A mask when applied for too long becomes your real face. Lady Gaga gets rid of that mask and acts as a real person. The rendition of Shallow is what stands out for me along with a completely unseen and out of makeup Lady Gaga. She is the star who is born. Both in the movie as well as in acting. It was a role tailor made for her. The buzz was for Lady Gaga to take home the prize and she was the frontrunner all along before her momentum fizzled out and the overdue narrative took shape and favoured Glenn Close. This is reminiscent of Close vs Pop Star battle akin to the 1986 ceremony where Close lost to Cher.

The argument here against Lady Gaga is that she wasn't really acting as she is actually a singer she was just living out her normal routine sans makeup. So let's get this straight. The academy will reward an individual who spends time adapting and changing their routine so as to get into and live like the character they are becoming.
It would behoove them to reward Lady Gaga if they want to boost their viewerrship but it seems as though they are choosing popularity in the Lead Actor Category.

Glenn Close- Joan Castleman (The Wife)

Has won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress- Drama, the Screen Actors Guild Award and the Critics Choice Award. Her only loss was to a British Actress portraying a British monarch in a British production at the British Academy Awards. This performance has a quiet brilliance with it. Even without the audio and the background music one would have been able to comprehend the anguish the silence the of Close. Her impassioned speech following her Golden Globes triumph would have just increased her chances even further. All of the actors seem to be rallying behind the long overdue industry veteran here. And no the Award for Close is not a sympathy award. It's overdue and she is the star. It's not a scene where Close's performance is the 2nd or 3rd best one of the year and neither is it her best ever performance. It is just the best performance of 2018. The win at the SAG nearly confirms that Close will pick up her first Oscar as it is more or less the same body of voters (The actors) who cast the votes at both shows. What could work against this film is that Close nomination for Best Actress is it's sole nod at the Oscars and voters could see it as not a big enough film. However it's momentum fizzling out right at the finish line seems unlikely. Close has beaten out pre season favourite Lady Gaga and has looked untouchable.

Expect Gary Oldman to say the words and the Oscar goes to Glenn Close- The Wife.

Will win: Glenn Close
Should win: Lady Gaga
Dark Horse: Olivia Colman

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