Monday 27 February 2017

Cultural Analysis of a T.V. Show

(This was my submission for the Second Internal Assessment for the course on Cultural Studies for which we had to pick up an episode from a T.V. show and analyse it based on the topics taught to us in class)

 Arrow S02 E13


Arrow is an American action television series and the first instalment of a series of shows which would collectively come to be known as the Arrowverse. The show follows the adventures of Billionaire Playboy Oliver Queen who was stranded on an island for 5 years and has now returned home to Starling City to get rid of the people poisoning his city and to clean up the city, as a masked, hooded vigilante called The Arrow.

                Episode Summary

The 13th episode of season 2 begins at the Starling City Airport where Nyssa Raatko, daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul (founder of the League of Assassins) arrives at Starling City to use any method possible to convince Sara Lance to return to the League’s base (Nanda Parbat) as she has sworn an oath to the League. This follows attempts by Nyssa, (also known as Heir to the Demon as she is the daughter of the Demon and founder of the League of Assassins, Ra’s Al Ghul) and the League members to lure Sara back to Nanda Parbat, by any means possible, including targeting her family (they poison her sister Laurel Lance in the previous episode and kidnap her mother Dinah in the episode 13). Also in this episode Oliver Queen’s mother, Moira Queen officially announces her candidacy for Mayor of Starling City.

     Culture Theories

Culture is the process by which meaning is produced, circulated, consumed, commodified, and endlessly reproduced and negotiated in society.(Williams, 1961,1981;Hall,1980)

In this analysis I will be focusing mainly on Orientalism which I spotted whilst watching episode 13 of the second season which is the 36th episode overall in the series. Also I’ll be focusing on Hegemony, how feminism influenced the portrayal of female characters on the show and vigilantism.


It is a cultural ideology that rose from the process of Colonisation of the Eastern (Oriental) countries by the Western countries in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. It becomes hard to separate Colonialism from Imperialism, as both theories can be used to define the means by which political and economic control are won and maintained over a particular region. Now after the Western powers began ruling over the Oriental lands, they naturally began to study the culture of their subjects and initially experienced what can be known as Culture Shock.

Culture Shock happens when we encounter radically different networks of meaning: when our natural or common sense is confronted by someone else’s natural or common sense.

Orientalism is a cultural ideology that was named as such by the west so as to give a name to the culture of the land they had colonised

It is a concept that there is something very special and different in everything of people living in the East, it is a reflection of the relationship of imperial and intellectual domination of a West which feels it is superior to an 'inferior' East.

According to Edward Said, Orientalism dates from the period of European Enlightenment and colonization of the Arab World. Orientalism provided a rationalization for European colonialism based on a self-serving history in which “the West” constructed “the East” as extremely different and inferior, and therefore in need of Western intervention or “rescue”.

In this series, instances of Orientalism are found more than any other. It starts from the season’s pilot episode where Oliver get shipwrecked in a flashback, and is informed that he is on an Island on the South China sea called “Lian Yu” which literally means purgatory. (It is on this Island he learns combat and archery and all sorts of skills that help him in his vigilantism) As in the opening quote he says he had to “survive”, this portrays the east (South China Sea; the orient) as a savage land where each and every single day, each and every single moment is a land of survival. It is somewhat similar to the law of the jungle i.e. only the fittest survive. The show tries to present to us that the Orient is literally purgatory. In Christian Doctrine, purgatory is a place or state of suffering and misery.

Why couldn’t Oliver have been marooned on an island in the Caribbean, rather than all the way in the Far East, South China Sea?

In episode 5 of season 2(the events which contribute to the events of episode 13) Sara Lance is stalked by a League of Assassins member Al-Owal as Ra’s Al Ghul wants her to ome back to Nanda Parbat to honour her oath to the League(note the use of the Arabic name). He is clad in a black outfit, and is killed by Sara. He targets members of Sara’s family in order to coerce her back. Gives an image of person from the Orient as uncivilized and dangerous.

The scene right at the beginning of the episode 13 shows a mysterious woman approach immigration at the Starling City Airport. The mysterious woman is wearing a black hat and overcoat. She is very slightly more tanned than the other passengers at the immigration point at the airport. Nyssa even looks Asian (that stereotype of being able to tell which person is from which continent is a result of the consumption of pop culture in media which shapes our beliefs) After an A.R.G.U.S. security alert appearing on the immigration computer, viewers learn that she truly is a villainess and she gets cornered by a security guard whom she smashes head first onto the glass of the counter and proceeds to beat up four more guards. This short, less than 2 minute scene plants the image of an Asian in the minds of a westerner as one who is vicious, extremely skilled in martial arts, uncivilized and dangerous. It forms a stereotypical image of Asians in our mind.

After Sara meets her father in a deli and she leaves and is walking somewhere, Nyssa make an appearance by falling down from the underside of a bridge with the help of huge drapes. She is clad in a red and black outfit, complete with a hood, a set of arrows and a bow and a dagger. She advances towards weapon less Sara with the dagger held in an ice pick grip(which as shown in many tv shows especially the detective ones is the most effective grip and offers the most penetration if you want to stab someone). She then suddenly lowers the knife and begins kissing Sara with Oriental music playing in the background (this sort of music is what we have been hegemonized to consider as oriental music as we can relate it to snake charmers). She introduces herself to Oliver as ‘Heir to the Demon’. Viewers who only watch the arrowverse shows believe that all Oriental and Islamic name people have somewhat similar attributes to what the Islamic characters on the show have. It will lead them to look at suspicion at any Muslim person they see while roaming on the roads.

In episode 12 climax Laurel collapses and we see a man in a beard he stuffs something into his pocket. Laurel returns to her apartment and collapses immediately after that. In episode 13 it is revealed that Laurel didn’t actually OD, but was poisoned by Tibetan Viper venom (Tibet is the rumoured location of the home of the League of Assassins i.e. Nanda Parbat). A snake from an Oriental land is shown to be the choice of venom, and an oriental snake is portrayed by the show as much more dangerous than other dangerous snakes. It is later discovered that Tibetan pit viper venom loses its potency the moment it leaves the fangs and hence is difficult to transport and the venom was procured from a species at a local zoo? Why was it a Tibetan pit viper when there are a host of more lethal snakes at the zoo? The Tibetan Pit Viper isn’t even among the most venomous viper’s let alone snakes? This is just to show that the Orient is a land of dangerous reptiles!

In episode 13 Dinah Lance is shown exciting her daughter’s room and heading for the water filter. The same man who was seen in Oliver Queen’s night club, the same bearded man who poisoned Laural makes an entry accompanied by extremely dramatic music and then puts a handkerchief around her face and makes her unconscious. The kidnapper has a beard, which builds the stereotype that all bearded men are evil.

A black hooded figure uses drapes to descend from a tall structure and engages in combat with the White canary and the Arrow. He is overpowered by Quentin Lance and when his hood is pulled off it is revealed that he is the same person who poisoned Laurel and kidnapped Dinah. Consumes a vial of something (assumed to be poison) and whispers an Islam prayer before being committing suicide. He utters the phrase ‘la ilaha ila lah”. This phrase represents one of the greatest oaths any Muslim, a believer of Islam, can make in being a Muslim, and is known as the declaration of faith.

Nyssa gets mad when Sara consumes the venom and Lance and Dinah rush to her side and kneel by her body. Then like a heartless beast tells her that her mourning parents can join her in eternity. She knocks Quentin Lance out and is moving to stab Dinah Lance with her dagger.

The people when they join the League of Assassins have to take up a Muslim name for example Sara has the name Ateya – Al Saher. Viewers then form the opinion that one with an American name like Sara Lance cant truly be a cold blooded killer like the League requires them to be, and upon taking a new name they can transform themselves into a killer. An image of any individual with a Muslim name will be associated with violence and cold blooded ruthlessness, if the show is consumed without people learning not to stereotype. It’s not only Arrow, but a lot of tv shows portray Muslims as villains, but here it says that American name not possible to be a villain, and Arabic name is needed to be ruthless.

Such things are the reasons that Muslims are detained at airports. Shah Rukh Khan has been detained thrice because of his surname. It shows us that popular culture has influenced Western countries so much that they are convinced that anyone who is Muslim is evil. If this is the state of the global icon, what must be the state of those regular normal Muslims when they go the America?

Going back to Said’s definition Orientalism provided a rationalization for European colonialism based on a self-serving history in which “the West” constructed “the East” as extremely different and inferior, and therefore in need of Western intervention or “rescue”. It shows us that the West needs to intervene in the East and rescue them.


Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of equality of the sexes. The feminist movement led to writers of shows falling under pop culture to construct stronger female characters.

Moira Queen and Sara Lance are the prime faces for Feminism in this episode.

Moira Queen is a strong female character who is convinced to run against Sebastian Blood for mayor as every other candidate has been trounced. Campaign is about connecting with people. ”Wants to help rebuild the city, not pander to it.”

Her mayoral rival, Sebastian Blood tells her to “get out” as in get out of the election race, to which she responds “I can take care of myself” further reinforcing to the viewers that she despite being a female can be considered as equal to men in terms of courage, guts and determination.

Sara Lance leaves Starling City and goes away because the League Of Assassins is after her. She tells Nyssa to “do what you have to”, fully expecting to be stabbed. She shows strength over here and is willing to ‘honour her commitment to the league in one way or another.’ Later on in the episode Nyssa asks Sara whether she has come to a decision as the time is up and she says that she is ready to come provided Nyssa lets go of Mrs. Lance. Before feminism movements very few female characters would be shown in this manner as emotionally strong and willing to sacrifice themselves for others.

Sara also after freeing her mother collapses following which it is shown by a reaction in her eyes that she has consumed Tibetan Pit Viper venom. She chose to sacrifice herself so as to end the ordeal of her running from the League, re-joining it, the League harming members of her family to get to her.

Popular Culture

The show is extremely popular, as it is based on a vigilante and it falls under the category of popular culture. Pop or Popular culture is also known as culture of the masses. Television series nowadays are aired weekly and form a part of the everyday life of the larger number of people. The show seems to promote Islamophobia as is very evident from this episode.

 Earlier the culture of television show consumption would be considered as ‘inferior culture’, but is now popular among the Youth as it offers them to see a superhero on the small screen on a weekly basis. Hence due to watching this show on a regular basis, viewers will begin to form stereotypes and even see things that influence them and that some stereotypes are wrong.


It is considered as a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Mr.Lance is shown cooking and washing utensils in the flashback scenes of episode 13 thus bucking the stereotype of men don’t cook or contribute in the house work.

The two women who have a crush on the same guy can work together on the same team. Sara and Felicity break the stereotype of how two women who have a crush on the same guy can’t be friends or work cohesively.

Felicity breaks the stereotype of a hot girl being unable to have excellent hacking skills. In episode 12 she confesses to having hacked into a prison.

The stereotype that all people with Arabic names have some evil aura or connection is promoted heavily in this episode and this stereotype exists a lot in the real world as the show is a part of pop culture and is consumed by the masses.

Uplifting music is used as background for western characters and suspense building music oriental music is used for all characters from the Orient, enforces the stereotype that characters from people in shows and even in real life need to be viewed at with suspicion.


It is the leadership and dominance over another person or group by a person or a group.

Nyssa is the powerful figure in the league and everyone in the League accepts her dominance over themselves. She too is shown to be hegemonised as she accepts Ra’s Al- Ghul’s domination over her. Sara Lance by fleeing the League and not returning to the League displays an example of counter hegemony in this episode.


 A vigilante is a person who is not a member of law enforcement but who pursues and punishes persons suspected of law-breaking. Vigilantism is the methods, conduct and attitudes associated with vigilantes, especially militancy, bigotry, or suspiciousness. It is a cultural ideology that seems to condone or even advocate the use of violence in criminal justice.

In the show, The Arrow is a masked vigilante who takes the law into his own hands and delivers justice. The vigilante culture is seen in Starling City a what originally was only The Arrow has now become the White Canary (Sara Lance) and Roy Harper (who is seen in episode 12)

Misrepresentation of the Oriental Culture

Here I’ll focus solely on the phrase “La ilaha ila lah.” When watching the episode I thought that Islam actually promoted sacrifice of life in the name of God. The phrase literally means ”There is no deity but god.” People think that Islam condones suicide in the name of Allah, but it is a gross misrepresentation as in the qu’ran suicide is forbidden and is considered a sin. But popular culture paints the reverse image in our head.








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