Saturday 28 March 2015


The month of April is almost here and with it every single student who is supposed to be preparing for their year end examinations is just blissfully thinking about 1 thing. THE SUMMER VACATIONS. It is that time of the year for which every student waits for the most, however studious he or she is. Due to this they generally end up day dreaming and neglecting their last minute revision schedules. Usually in India the temperatures soar to the mid 30s in most parts of the country and even reach the mid 40s in the northern states of our country, but that doesn’t dampen the spirits of anyone.

In the city of Mumbai the students who have just finished the 9th and 11th standard examinations just dread the summer as in just a few days time they will enter the 10th and 12th board exam preparation stage.

For the rest it is a period of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. College students catch up on their sleep having spent sleepless nights just prior to their exams trying to cram up every possible part of the syllabus into their brains.

People in general await for the arrival of the delicious king of the fruits ‘ the mango’ at their local fruit vendors store. Parents lift restrictions placed on their children regarding the consumption of soft drink and ice-creams. There is even a relaxation on the time by which a person is expected to be home.

Some people may even choose to just go for a month long outing to their native place or to explore a particular location in India(hill stations are extremely popular) or abroad. The most popular option among small children is to play with their friends in the society compound or just watch the television.

Due to no commitments whatsoever families go out on all day picnics just to unwind.

However as the summer wears on and we enter mid may everyone is just bored and wastes time and everyone just procrastinates on a large scale. It is that time of the year when one can develop a skill or attend a summer camp so as to get to know more people as well as have fun.

In India when one talks about summer the first thing that comes to mind is the Indian Premier League(IPL).Because of the IPL we have the knowledge that our night time entertainment is taken care off for the entire vacation.

I intend to learn to swim this vacation, but, it has been my aim for quite a long time so we can safely say that it won’t happen this summer as well. Also on my list of summer activities are kick starting my blog page as for me to know how good or bad I am I have to start posting articles, catching up with friends, playing, relaxing and probably if I get time researching about probable future courses.

Anyways that’s what I think of summer and how I will spend it. How will you spend your summer? Please comment. Enjoy the vacations!!!!

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